
Friday 19 October 2018

Naomi Te Wa Toi

Walt: use correct sentences to help structure our writing.

The term three holidays are now over and we are ready to start term 4.
This term our topic is called Te Wa Toi. This means it is time for art.

This term I am excited for manaiakalani because m looking forward
to seeing other classes movies.

This term we have athletics on I am looking forward to this because
we are going to do alot of thing.

This term I have some goals that I would like to achieve.
One of these goals are to have a better attitude towards my teacher.
to get good at my writing.

I am hoping to learn more about my math and reading.
i love two subject in school which are reading and math.

Naomi marshmallow challenge

Marshmallow Challenge

Walt: create a structured recount with correct tenses and punctuation.

Today me and my classmates did the marshmallow challenge our teacher explained to us what we
were doing. Then we had to get into groups of five then miss Parrant gave each group a bag that
had the thing we had to make the marshmallow tower with. Inside the bag had  25 spaghetti and and
string and also one marshmallow

So first me and my group ran to our table. my group didn’t have five people my group had
four people. Then we took our thing out of the bags and began to work on our tower.

Then we started with the tower first we stuck a piece of spaghetti on the table. Then we started working up the tower. We did the same introduction the we made it to the top.

Our  tower was becoming the Eiffel Tower. But apparently a girl in my group accidentally tied the top of the tower so tight. The spaghetti was too sensitive.That sadly our tower broke.

I felt good in the beginning because we were leading but the sadly my hopes dropped because my friend. Sadly Snapped our tower.